
The Mérieux Foundation’s Emerging Pathogens Laboratory obtains accreditation according to European standard NF EN ISO/IEC 17025

January 23, 2020 - Lyon (France)


This accreditation standard lays down the general requirements for competence, impartiality and consistency of laboratory activities. It promotes efficient and optimal organization of laboratories, along with their technical activities.

Following the assessment of the laboratory which took place on November 12 and 13, 2019, the French Accreditation Committee (Comité Français d’Accréditation – COFRAC) issued the NF EN ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation on January 15, 2020, giving the laboratory national recognition.

The Mérieux Foundation’s Emerging Pathogens Laboratory

Obtaining this accreditation is the result of an initiative begun by the Emerging Pathogens Laboratory team three years ago. It enables the laboratory to provide employees and donors with guarantees as to the quality of the techniques developed and used, as well as the results produced.

The Emerging Pathogens Laboratory is accredited in the human biology / research, studies and development section for the following molecular biology tests:

  • Identification and typing of the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae responsible for pneumoniae;
  • Culture and identification of Salmonella enterica, typhi and paratyphi A bacteria involved in enteric fevers.

These two tests are transferred to the laboratories of the GABRIEL network and used in research projects conducted by the Mérieux Foundation such as research into the etiology of pneumonia in refugees in Bangladesh, the PCV multicenter study on the impact of pneumococcal vaccination in children and adults in Cambodia, Paraguay and India, and the THECA study in Ghana to refine Typhoid prevalence data in a study to assess the efficacy of a new vaccine.

Learn more about the GABRIEL network

The laboratory is accredited for a period of 4 years, under the accreditation number 8-4201. The scope of this accreditation is available on the site COFRAC.

Accreditation according to ISO 17025 also gives the laboratory certification according to ISO 9001.

Learn more about the Emerging Pathogens Laboratory



