Mérieux Foundation co-organized event
1st Advanced Course on Diagnostics in French on the African Continent (Afro-ACDx)
November 21-26, 2021 - Saly (Senegal)

The world has just been seriously impacted by the COVID-19 health crisis, which has highlighted the critical role of diagnosis in the management of pandemics.
Based on their expertise, the Merieux Foundation and Institut Pasteur of Dakar are co-organizing the first Advanced Course on Diagnostics in French on the African continent (Afro-ACDx). This course aims to improve the leadership skills of laboratory managers and to promote the role and value of medical diagnostics, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. Afro-ACDx thus seeks to strengthen the local capacity of medical biology laboratories in West and Central Africa through education and partnership development. It is intended for directors or managers of laboratories and managers in charge of making critical decisions in the field of public health diagnostics in Africa.
Afro-ACDx, co-directed by Prof. Jean Sakandé from the Merieux Foundation and Dr. Amadou Alpha Sall from Institut Pasteur in Dakar, is based on the Global Laboratory Leadership Programme (GLLP) and the Advanced Course on Diagnostics (ACDx) programme which has been held annually in France for the past 10 years. The COVID-19 pandemic will be used as storyline for the section dedicated to diagnostics.
The Scientific and Pedagogical Committee of the course is composed of representatives from the following institutions:
- World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Virginie Dolmazon
- WHO/AFRO, Dr. Sheick Oumar Coulibaly
- Africa CDC, Dr. Benjamin Djoudalbaye
- London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Dr. Noah Fongwen
- African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), Dr. Pascale Ondoa
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Dr. Beatrice Mouillé and Dr. Mamadou Niang
- World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), Dr. Karim Tounkara and Dr. Brice Lafia
- Institut National de la Recherche Biomédicale (INRB), Dr. Daniel Mukadi
- Institut Pasteur, Prof. Abderrahmane Maaroufi
- West African Health Organization (WAHO), Dr. Abdourahmane Sow
- Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), Dr. Piero Olliaro
- Réseau d’Afrique de l’Ouest des Laboratoires d’Analyses Biologiques (RESAOLAB), Prof. Mamadou Bah
- Medical biologist, Prof. Souleymane Diallo
- Bio 24 Laboratory Senegal, Dr. Tidiane Siby
- Mérieux Foundation
Expected results
At the end of the course, participants will have:
- Acquired leadership and management skills based on the GLLP programme
- Reviewed techniques used in a diagnostic laboratory and discussed innovative concepts
- Exchanged with peers on laboratory networks in Africa
- Reviewed the importance of diagnostics in the management of the COVID-19 crisis
Course fees
Accommodation fees:
- Accommodation fees include three meals a day for the full period of the course: €1,000*
Registration fees:
- Participants from public or private laboratories and from government institutions: €1,400*
- Participants from sponsoring industries: €2,400*
- Other industry participants: €4,400*
*VAT included. All fees are due in full to confirm participation.
Sandra Angèle
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