Dr. François MEURICE
Prof. Nikki TURNER
Dr. Gagandeep KANG
Mérieux Foundation & University of Geneva co-organized event
20th Advanced Course of Vaccinology (ADVAC)
May 13-24, 2019 - Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac (France)

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Advanced Course of Vaccinology (ADVAC), the two-week intensive course for senior decision-makers and scientists in the field of vaccines, organized at Les Pensières Center for Global Health by the University of Geneva and the Mérieux Foundation.
To celebrate this important milestone, four ADVAC alumni were invited as guest speakers to share their vision for the future of vaccinology and discuss how ADVAC has impacted their own careers:
- Dr. Béhazine Combadière, Director of research, DR1 Inserm, France (ADVAC 2004),
- Prof. Gagandeep Kang, Executive Director at the Translational Health Science Technology Institute (THSTI), India (ADVAC 2003),
- Dr. François Meurice, Director of Scientific Affairs and Public Health, GSK, Belgium (ADVAC 2001),
- Prof. Nikki Turner, Director, Immunisation Advisory Centre, University of Auckland, New Zealand (ADVAC 2001).
This year’s course had over 70 participants from academia, industry, governmental and non-governmental agencies and more than 60 leading specialists as lecturers.
Day 1 Wednesday, May 22
ADVAC Special Alumni speakers