Mérieux Foundation event

6th Antimicrobial Resistance Course (AMR): a One Health challenge

November 10-14, 2025 - Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac (France)


Participants sat in rows in a conference room listening to a presentation with a video projection on a screen.

Participants during the 5th Antimicrobial resistance course in 2024

After the success of the five former editions of the Antimicrobial Resistance Course (AMR): a One Health challenge, the 6th edition of the AMR course will take place from November 10-14, 2025 at Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac (France).

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing global public health menace that threatens the prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases. The AMR-Global Action Plan (GAP) by WHO (World Health Organization) and One Health global strategy consider fostering awareness and understanding on antimicrobial resistance to be a priority and essential for the adoption, deployment and implementation of country AMR-National Action Plans (AMR-NAPs).

To support this critical effort, the Mérieux Foundation and Université Paris Cité have joined their expertise and capacities to support the AMR-GAP by designing a course to address concretely -from plan to action- the five objectives of the AMR-WHO-GAP. Together, the Mérieux Foundation and Université Paris Cité propose a residential intensive training course on AMR in a One Health perspective, principally targeting audiences from low- and middle-income countries.

The course advocates for the value of the One Health approach to fight against AMR and builds capacity for critical decision-making in low-and middle-income countries through education, partnerships and networks.

The program is based on the five WHO-AMR-GAP objectives (one objective per day):

  • Day 1: The role of antibiotics and the current challenges – improving awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance
  • Day 2: Strengthen knowledge and evidence through monitoring & surveillance
  • Day 3: Multi-sectoral Interventions to tackle AMR
  • Day 4: Optimize the use of antimicrobial medicines in human and animal health
  • Day 5: Social sciences, regulation and the economic case for global sustainable investment to tackle AMR

Key figures

  • 40 participants
  • 35 renowned speakers
  • 5 interactive sessions
  • 5 days of intense training
  • 5 days of networking
  • 1 diploma

Who should apply?

Health professionals, scientists, policy makers, government and technical leads for the development and implementation of multisectoral national action plans (NAP) on antimicrobial resistance across the human, animal, agriculture and environment sectors from low-and middle-income countries to combat AMR.

Selection criteria

  • Educational background
  • Involvement in AMR / One Health decision-making responsibilities
  • Expected impact of the course at personal, institutional and national levels

Course fees


  • All participants (includes 3 meals a day for the full period of the course): €1,800*


  • Participants from academic, government institutions & NGOs: €1,800*
  • SME and sponsors from industry: €2,800*
  • Other industry participants: €4,800*

*VAT included. All fees are due in full to confirm participation. Additional accommodation fees will apply for days beyond the course.

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Apply for the course


Sakurako Marchand

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