Mérieux Foundation co-organized event

Global Dignity Annual Leadership Strategy Retreat

April 30 2019-May 01 2019 - Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier du Lac (France)


Global Dignity Annual Leadership Strategy Retreat 2019 group

Each year, we gather to exchange ideas for how to move our work to scale and impact, learn from one another, build relationships, and deepen our collaboration as we continue to work towards our collective vision of a world where understanding, compassion and love triumph.

Meeting goals:

  • To work together with Global Dignity’s Board, International Council of Advisors, Country Chairs and Partner Organizations to create a vision and road map for the next chapter: 2019 – 2020.
  • To crystallize our “Theory of Change:” How we plan to both scale our efforts and deepen the impact of our work.
  • Moving beyond youth to include other constituencies.
  • Cover “best practices” for Country Chapters and our alliances with Partner Organizations through knowledge-sharing and lessons learned from the Field.
  • Understand the context of our work and why it matters in the challenging times we live in.
  • Have some fun together: build relationships and our Global Dignity Community.
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