Dr Valentina Picot, Head, Acute Respiratory Infections Research and Public Health Initiatives, Mérieux Foundation
Assure Djérané Ndorangar, Country Director, Malaria Consortium, Chad
Dr Jean-Bosco Ndihokubwayo, WHO Representative for Chad
Mérieux Foundation co-organized event
Introducing PCV and rotavirus vaccine in Chad, Guinea, Somalia, and South Sudan – Workshop to accelerate introduction of lifesaving vaccines for children
September 13-15, 2023 - N’Djamena (Chad)

The governments of Chad, Guinea, Somalia, and South Sudan are committed to introduce two life-saving vaccines for children: the Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) and Rotavirus vaccine.
When introduced and scaled-up, these vaccines will have the potential to save lives of approximately 60,000 children under 5 years of age and avert around 2.4 million cases of severe pneumonia, meningitis, and diarrhea across the four countries cumulatively from2024 to 2030*, significantly advancing each country’s progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal for child survival.
To ensure the four governments receive necessary support towards introducing PCV and Rotavirus vaccine, the Mérieux Foundation, Every Breath Counts, Save the Children, the Malaria Consortium, and theInternational Vaccine Access Center (IVAC), are bringing together national, regional, and international stakeholders to address challenges and explore solutions to introduction and scale-up.
During this workshop, the four health ministries shared their plans for PCV and Rotavirus vaccine introduction, addressing issues of financing, vaccine procurement and delivery infrastructure, public messaging, healthcare workforce capacity, safetymonitoring, and caregiver behaviors.
Regional and international health and opment agencies discussed the latest epidemiologicalevidence, lives saved analysis, financing options, Gavi application support, and best practices taking into account the unique challenges of fragile and conflictaffected countries for the successful introduction and sustained high coverage of PCV and Rotavirus vaccine.
*This estimate does not include the lives saved from catch-up campaigns for children 1-4 years.
Download the list of participants
Country commitments
- Chad Ministry of Health (English version)
- Chad Ministry of Health (French version)
- Guinea Ministry of Health (English version)
- Guinea Ministry of Health (French version)
- Somalia Ministry of Health (English version)
- Somalia Ministry of Health (French version)
- South Sudan Ministry of Health (English version)
- South Sudan Ministry of Health (French version)
Day 1 Day 1 - Wednesday, 13 September
Day 2 Day 2 - Thursday, 14 September
Day 3 Day 3 - Friday, 15 September
Official Welcome
Presentations: The current state of PCV and rotavirus vaccine introductions
Dr Antoinette Demian Mbailamen, Director of Vaccines, Ministry of Health, Chad
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Dr Gassim Cissé, Director of Vaccines, Ministry of Health, Guinea (French version)
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Dr Moustapha Awil Jama, Director of Family Health, Ministry of Health, Somalia
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Spotlight: Roundup of PCV and rotavirus vaccine evidence from Africa
Dr Lassané Kaboré, Senior Program Officer, Center for Vaccine Innovation and Access, PATH
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Dr Jason Mwenda, Regional Coordinator, Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveilance, African Region, WHO
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Session: Role of National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs)
Presentations: NITAG engagement on PCV and rotavirus vaccine introduction
Session: PCV and rotavirus vaccine introduction options
Moderator: Dr André Tonda, Immunization Technical Advisor, JSI, Democratic Republic of Congo
Laura Nic Lochlainn, Technical Officer, Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, WHO
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Ms Laura Nic Lochlainn, Technical Officer, Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, WHO (French version)
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Veronica Denti, Senior Programme Manager, Vaccine Programmes, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
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Molly Sauer, Research Associate, Choice Optimization in Immunization: Country Exercises for Sustainability (CHOICES), Johns Hopkins University
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Spotlight: Lessons from dual PCV-rotavirus vaccine introductions (e.g., Ghana, Niger, Tanzania) and integrated PCV campaigns (e.g., Timor-Leste)
Moderator: Dr Ayesha Kadir, Senior Humanitarian Health Advisor, Save the Children International
Dr Adicatou Adeothy, Technical Advisor - Chad, CHOICES, Johns Hopkins University
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Dr Nevio Sarmento, Head, Pneumococcal Vaccine Sub-committee, NITAG, Timor-Leste
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Spotlight: estimating children’s lives saved from PCV and rotavirus vaccine introduction
Dr Anita Shet, Director, Child Health, International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
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Session: Childhood vaccine co-financing options: the role of development banks
Moderator: Dr Thierry Vincent, Senior Country Manager, Chad and Mali, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
Dr Amadou Bassirou Diallo, Country Program Officer, African Development Bank, Chad
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Dr Zenab Konkobo Kouanda, Senior Health Specialist, World Bank, Guinea (French version)
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Finale: Statements of Action (recorded)
Chad Ministry of Health
Guinea Ministry of Health
Somalia Ministry of Health
South Sudan Ministry of Health
The historic opportunity: protecting all African children with the PCV and rotavirus vaccines
Dr Papa Coumba Faye, Senior Program Officer, Routine Immunization Strengthening in High Risk Geographies, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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