Benoît Miribel, Director General of the Mérieux Foundation, along with Congo Republic’s Prime Minister Clément Mouamba and the Ambassador of Congo in France Rodolphe Adada (from left to right).
They also thanked the Fondation Christophe and Rodolphe Mérieux Foundation for the award of the 2016 Christophe Mérieux Prize, endowed with 500 000 euros, to Professor Francine Ntoumi for her research work on infectious diseases in Central Africa. Actively involved in the strengthening of health research capacities in Africa, Francine Ntoumi is head of the molecular biology laboratory of the Marien N’Gouabi University (Brazzaville) and Chief Executive of the Congolese Fondation for Medical Research.
In the Congo, Fondation Mérieux supports the activities of Samusocial in Pointe-Noire by participating in the development of educational tools for street children. The aim is to develop prevention and help them better understand infections such as tuberculosis, malaria and HIV/AIDS. The Mérieux Foundation, with the support of Fondation Christophe et Rodolphe Mérieux, also helps the mobile assistance teams, daycare with medical treatment and counseling, and emergency accommodation.