This workshop aimed to reinforce the skills of the participating stakeholders, technicians and biologists, and to enhance the capacities and momentum of the network’s laboratories.
The workshop was divided into two parts. The first part was dedicated to laboratory technicians, with the aim of conducting a review of the laboratories, presenting prospects for improvement and discussing the results of the External Quality Assessment. During the second half of the workshop, biologists were able to take stock of the bacteriology laboratories’ capacities, review supervision results, look at logistics and orders for reagents and consumables, and present data on antimicrobial resistance. The sessions allowed a productive exchange, in particular on the harmonization of practices, the need to establish an external quality control system, and the development of research projects.
The workshop highlighted RESAMAD’s role in the national action plan on antimicrobial resistance, alongside the country’s governmental institutions.
To improve the surveillance of diseases with epidemic potential and the quality of local care, the Mérieux Foundation has set up a network of laboratories in Madagascar in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Pharmacy, Laboratories and Traditional Medicine.
The initiative has established clinical biology testing for the diagnosis and monitoring of infectious diseases in 22 public and private hospitals in Madagascar.
The RESAMAD network is particularly active in bacteriology testing and produces data for antimicrobial resistance surveillance as part of the development of a national action plan.