Discover the latest news from the Mérieux Foundation.
The Mérieux Foundation supports a tuberculosis screening campaign for the Lebanese population
April 29, 2022, Beqaa (Lebanon)
This screening campaign was organized from March 28 to 31, by the National Tuberculosis Program (NTP) of the Lebanese Ministry ...
GABRIEL network
Burkina Faso Emerging and Re-emerging Pathogens Laboratory joins the GABRIEL international scientific network
April 22, 2022, Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)
Located in Bobo Dioulasso in Burkina Faso, the Emerging and Re-emerging Pathogens Laboratory becomes the 21st member of the network ...
The Charles Mérieux Center for Infectious Disease and the Mérieux Foundation celebrate their 10th and 15th anniversaries respectively at a joint ceremony
April 5, 2022, Antananarivo (Madagascar)
The Charles Mérieux Center for Infectious Disease at the University of Antananarivo welcomed scientific partners and health professionals to a ...
Alain Mérieux, President of the Mérieux Foundation and founder of the Fondation Christophe et Rodolphe Mérieux, opens the AKAMASOA association’s Faculty of Languages building
April 4, 2022, Vohitsara (Madagascar)
A French and English language university, financed by the Fondation Christophe et Rodolphe Mérieux - Institut de France, has been ...
Partners of the project to fight malnutrition in southern Madagascar visit the Nutrisud container plant
April 1, 2022, Fort Dauphin (Madagascar)
Six months to the day after its official inauguration, the container plant making nutritional products for school canteens in southern ...
The Mérieux Foundation held the 2nd Global Vaccinology Training Workshop to review the advanced vaccinology education around the world
March 28, 2022, Les Pensières Center for Global Health (France)
Held on March 22-24, 2022, at Les Pensières Center for Global Health, in Annecy (France), the workshop was organized by ...
APRECIT project steering committee reviews activities to improve management of latent tuberculosis in Madagascar and Cameroon
March 22, 2022, Antananarivo (Madagascar)
On March 18, 2022, the stakeholders of the APRECIT project met in Madagascar and remotely for the project’s second steering ...
New prospective study for the diagnosis of paediatric and extra-pulmonary TB starts in Bangladesh
March 10, 2022, Bangladesh
Meeting at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Bangladesh (icddr,b), teams at the Mérieux Foundation and icddr,b are ...
The Mérieux Foundation and Santé Monde/CCISD present their intervention results at the end of the second REDISSE mandate
March 10, 2022, West Africa
Final presentation workshops were organised in Benin, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Nigeria to capitalise on the results of the second ...
Passing of Professor François Gros
February 20, 2022, Lyon (France)
The Mérieux Foundation was deeply moved to learn of the death of Professor François Gros, President of Honor of its ...
Support for Laboratories
End of the third edition of the Mérieux Foundation’s MOOC on Quality Management
February 3, 2022, Global
The third and final edition of the MOOC on "Quality Management in Medical Laboratories", created by the Mérieux Foundation in ...
Support for Laboratories
LabMyNet project activities in Myanmar build diagnostic capacity for HIV and SARS-CoV-2 viral load surveillance
January 21, 2022, Myanmar
Renovation of the Medical Action in Myanmar laboratory, establishment of a molecular platform for HIV viral load, and training of ...