Discover the latest news from the Mérieux Foundation.
Myanmar : new training program strengthens microbiology testing in Mandalay
July 2, 2014, Mandalay (Myanmar)
April 28-30, laboratory technicians from all of the public hospitals of the Mandalay region in Myanmar participated in a general ...
ADVAC’s 15th Anniversary
June 5, 2014, Les Pensières, Annecy (France)
Fondation Mérieux held its 15th annual Advanced Course of Vaccinology (ADVAC) at Les Pensières Conference Centre May 12-23, 2014. Scientists ...
7 West African countries unite to respond to outbreaks
May 22, 2014, Bamako (Mali)
The leading figures in clinical biology in Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo gathered at the Charles ...
Fondation Mérieux hosts the PDC, a novel partnership for Dengue Control
April 28, 2014, Lyon (France)
Fondation Mérieux engages in a new public health initiative by hosting the Partnership for Dengue Control (PDC).
Live webcast on GLOBE: Uniting to combat neglected tropical diseases: a conversation on progress
March 31, 2014, Paris (France)
On 2 April 2014 Fondation Mérieux will webcast the "Uniting to combat neglected tropical diseases: a conversation on progress" event ...
A new platform to strengthen regional research in Southeast Asia
March 17, 2014, Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
A new regional research platform for Southeast Asia, PRR-ASIE, was inaugurated March 11th on the Institut Pasteur campus in Phnom ...
Mérieux Foundation and Agence Française de Développement sign grant agreement
December 20, 2013, Paris (France)
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Mérieux Foundation signed a grant agreement at Agence Française de Développement’s headquarters in ...
New training programme for lab professionals in the Khammouane province, Laos
November 12, 2013, Vientiane (Laos)
Fondation Mérieux has been working since 2007 in Laos with the Rhône-Alpes Region, the Lyon Civil Hospitals (HCL) and Claude ...
7 West African countries invent a new kind of cooperation in healthcare
October 22, 2013, Cotonou (Bénin)
Fondation Mérieux announces the launch of the new RESAOLAB programme during a week of discussions held under the auspices of ...
Professor Hubert Endtz appointed as Fondation Mérieux’s Scientific Director
October 17, 2013, Lyon (France)
Fondation Mérieux announced today the arrival of Professor Hubert Endtz as its new Scientific Director.
Institut Pasteur and Fondation Mérieux initiate workshop on MERS-CoV threat
October 9, 2013, Les Pensières, Annecy (France)
Much remains unknown about the new coronavirus responsible for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) respiratory illness, which was first ...
GLOBE reaches 1000 member milestone!
September 18, 2013, Lyon (France)
Today, one thousand scientists and healthcare professionals meet on GLOBE (Global Link for Online Biomedical Expertise), the online biomedical information ...