Discover the latest news from the Mérieux Foundation.
Haiti: Visit of Alain Mérieux
March 22, 2010, Port-au-Prince (Haïti)
Fondation Mérieux increases its support to its historical partners in Haiti to help the victims of the earthquake.
’Mekong Santé’ congress: Training in health, the key to development
March 15, 2010, Vientiane (Laos)
The first edition of the 'Mékong Santé' Congress took place in Vientiane (Laos) from 25–28 January 2010 under the high ...
Meningitis Vaccine Project Meeting: A scientific workshop, Pune (India)
March 12, 2010, Pune (India)
Recurrent, severe epidemics of meningococcal disease strike the meningitis belt, an area of Sub-Saharan Africa extending from Senegal to Ethiopia. ...
Haiti: Visit of Bill Clinton at the GHESKIO Centre
February 11, 2010, Port-au-Prince (Haïti)
Bill Clinton, former President of the USA, currently the United Nations special envoy to Haiti, returned to Port-au-Prince to meet ...
The GLOBE portal uses Squido search engine to improve the relevance of its content
February 5, 2010, Lyon (France)
Why vaccinate children?
October 25, 2007, Paris and Saint-Étienne, France
'Why vaccinate children and teenagers? When and why not do it?' The answers are in the French course of vaccinology, ...
Visit of the French Minister of Health to the P4 Jean Mérieux-Inserm Laboratory
October 5, 2007, Lyon, France
The French Minister of Health, Roselyne Bachelot, was in the P4 Laboratory in Lyon for a meeting of the National ...
First day of school for the BAMS training in medical applied biology
October 1, 2007, Bamako, Mali
On 1 October 2007, the first year of students – professionals of biological analysis, arrived at the Charles Mérieux Center ...
Chagas information bulletin
September 5, 2007, Argentina
In Argentina, the Mérieux Foundation is taking part in a screening and treatment study on the Chagas disease.
European Heritage Days : “Heritage and Health”
September 4, 2007, Marcy-l’Étoile (France)
Le Bureau de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé de Lyon et le Musée de sciences biologiques Docteur Mérieux se sont ...