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Support for Laboratories
The Mérieux Foundation publishes the results of lessons learned from experience with RESAMAD
December 15, 2022, Antananarivo (Madagascar)
The Mérieux Foundation has carried out an exercise with the network partners and stakeholders and shared the results during the ...
Next-generation sequencing for characterizing bacterial isolates at the bioinformatic analysis training center
December 13, 2022, Dakar (Senegal)
In partnership with ANSES, the French national agency for the health and safety of food, the environment and work, the ...
The 2022 edition of the Mekong Hepatitis Symposium highlights the advances and current challenges in the fight against hepatitis
December 10, 2022, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand
The latest edition of the Mekong Hepatitis Symposium (MHS) was held on December 8, 2022, in the form of a ...
The 4th International Symposium of Asian experts “Vaccinology 2022” brings together public health stakeholders to discuss new approaches in the immunization field
December 3, 2022, Manila (Philippines)
The Mérieux Foundation in collaboration with the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines (PIDSP) organized the meeting “Vaccinology 2022: ...
End of the Fellowship Scheme for improving expertise in AMR in Senegal
December 1, 2022, Global
The Fleming Fund Fellowship Scheme provides training through mentoring and is coordinated by the Mérieux Foundation in Senegal. Targeting the ...
The second Afro-ACDx course brings together people involved in diagnosis in Africa to discuss leadership issues
November 30, 2022, Saly (Senegal)
Organized by the Mérieux Foundation and the Institut Pasteur in Dakar, the second edition of the advanced course on diagnostics ...
Support for Laboratories
The BoliLab project final appraisal presents the results of its work to reinforce laboratories’ diagnostic capacities
November 29, 2022, Bolikhamxay (Lao PDR)
The BoliLab project, which received financial support from LuxDev, is drawing to a close after five years of support. The ...
Enhancing the biosecurity capacities of G5 Sahel countries – review of the deployment of a mobile laboratory in Mauritania
November 28, 2022, Nouakchott (Mauritania)
Following a week of training at the National Institute of Public Health Research in Mauritania, a mobile laboratory was installed ...
The 3rd edition of the AMR course defends the values of the OneHealth approach to fighting antimicrobial resistance
November 25, 2022, Les Pensières Center for Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac (France)
Buoyed by the success of its first two editions, the third AMR course organized by the Mérieux Foundation and Paris ...
The results of the HINTT project on tuberculosis have been published in the scientific journal Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group)
November 15, 2022, Antananarivo (Madagascar)
As part of her PhD thesis, carried out at the Institut Pasteur in Madagascar in collaboration with the Mérieux Foundation, ...
GABRIEL network
The Congolese Foundation for Medical Research joins the GABRIEL network
November 4, 2022, Brazzaville (Republic of the Congo)
The GABRIEL international scientific network welcomes its 22nd member, the Congolese Foundation for Medical Research located in Brazzaville, in the ...
Inauguration of the extension to the Saint Gabriel clinic offering better access to healthcare and HIV testing in Conakry
October 25, 2022, Conakry (Guinea)
On October 18, 2022, the extension to the Saint Gabriel clinic was officially opened by Archbishop Coulibaly of Conakry. The ...