MHS participants in Laos
An annual event, the MHS aims to continue the discussions begun during previous editions, update knowledge and share experiences and perspectives in order to achieve the objective of eradicating viral hepatitis by 2030.
In 2022, the Symposium was attended online by about a hundred participants, including experts, researchers and health professionals in Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, as well as about fifty people attending in person in Laos. Two sessions dealt with the following topics:
- Focus on the treatment and prevention of hepatitis B: session led by Dr. François-Xavier Babin, Director of International Operations, Mérieux Foundation.
- How can we achieve the objective of eradicating HCV by 2030? Session led by Dr. Phimpha Paboriboune, Scientific Director of the Center of Infectiology Lao Christophe Mérieux in Laos
An additional session was organized in Laos for those attending in person to enable progress in discussions on the development of national recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hepatitis in the country.

Laos MHS participants group photo
The Mekong Hepatitis Symposium is made possible thanks to the combined work of researchers, experts and teachers at the Lyon Cancer Research Center (CRCL), the University of Chiang Mai, the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord, the Institut Pasteur in Cambodia, the Hospices Civils de Lyon, Claude Bernard-Lyon 1 University, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Center of Infectiology Lao Christophe Mérieux, and the financial support of the Mérieux Foundation.