In the presence of Dr. MOULIOM, representative of the Directorate of Operational Health Research of the country’s Ministry of Public Health, the ceremony was an opportunity to present the APRECIT project as well as its actors and partners. During the launching ceremony, Dr. MVONDO BELINGA, representative of the National Tuberculosis Control Program, presented an overview of tuberculosis in Cameroon. APRECIT experts and project managers, including a delegation from the Mérieux Foundation, presented the specific objectives and details of the study protocol. The community intervention for the detection and management of latent tuberculosis infection (LTI), at the heart of the APRECIT project, was presented by Dr. MAMGNO of the NGO CAMNAFAW, represented at this ceremony by its executive director Mr. EDJENGUELE LOTTI.
The project, conducted in partnership with the Pasteur Institutes of Madagascar and Cameroon with financial support from L’Initiative of Expertise France, aims to evaluate the strategies put in place to improve the screening and overall management of LTI in these two countries. It will make possible to:
- Evaluate a community-based intervention model for the screening and management of LTI;
- Evaluate the prognostic and diagnostic value of two IGRA tests in the screening of LTI in comparison with the tuberculin intradermal test (TID).
- Develop a bio-bank specific to the APRECIT project useful for strengthening local research and development capacities for innovative tools for the diagnosis of tuberculosis;

In Cameroon, the operational implementation of the project will be carried out in collaboration with the country’s Ministry of Public Health and more specifically the Centre Pasteur du Cameroun (CPC), the National Tuberculosis Control Program (PNLT), the NGO CAMNAFAW, three public and private health facilities, two district hospitals, and a denominational center.
Tuberculosis remains the leading cause of death by infection in the world. However, when it is active and detectable, it can be treated. Latent TB infection, on the other hand, is asymptomatic and constitutes an important human reservoir for TB disease. Efforts to end the global TB epidemic therefore face a major challenge. To eliminate TB by 2050 in accordance with the WHO strategy, programmatic management of individuals with latent TB infection is needed.
In partnership with the national TB control programs in Madagascar and Cameroon, the project will identify and follow up 2,500 contacts through community health workers.