The workshop on the RESAOLAB, a project co-financed by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Fondation Mérieux (Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal), included the presentation of the project results to the stakeholders and the results of the evaluation missions carried out in the 4 candidate countries of the network (Benin, Guinea, Niger and Togo), as well as the dicussion of recommendations for the future inter-country programme, RESAOLAB +.
The 70 participants representing the Ministries of Health of 7 countries, national programmes (CCM), the West African Health Organization, World Health Organization, UEMOA, AFD, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France Expertise Internationale, Islamic Development Bank, the World Bank, Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation, Global Fund, Fondation Mérieux and other technical partners stressed the importance of strengthening the laboratory system in West Africa. They complimented the RESAOLAB project stakeholders for their considerable achievements and committed to a partnership for RESAOLAB+. This programme will include several independent projects but with strong synergies. It will be finalized in the coming months and approved in spring 2013 during a conference in West Africa.