In the fight against COVID-19, biological diagnosis plays a key role in the response to the epidemic.

Diagnosis allows patients to be assessed and provides the data required to manage the epidemic.
In Haiti, laboratory capacities remain limited, which means that the detection of the Sars-Cov-2 virus in the province is very weak. The country has four centres equipped for diagnosis (Cap Haïtien, Mirebalais, Cayes and Fond des Blancs).
The C19 HaitiLab project aims to strengthen the overall capacities of biomedical analysis laboratories in Haiti in a sustainable way, so that they are able to provide an effective response to the Covid-19 epidemic and to future epidemics.
The project combines a decentralised approach (reinforcement of peripheral laboratories in association with the LNSP) with a centralised approach (improvement of energy performance at GHESKIO centres).
In order to achieve these objectives, the project aims to increase the level of biosafety (purchase, installation and training in the use of BSCs) and biosecurity (purchase and installation of incinerators). A review of the transport of samples will be introduced, as well as the transmission of laboratory data via DHIS2.
Secondly, in order to optimise and secure energy performance in GHESKIO centres, the project aims to review the current energy performance of the building to provide the optimum and most sustainable solution for the adaptation of a system of cold air production and the installation of solar panels.
- National Public Health Laboratory (LNSP)
- Haitian Group for the Study of Kaposi’s Sarcoma and other Opportunistic Infections (Gheskio)
- Agence Française de Développement (AFD, French Development Agency)