Prevention and monitoring
A global concern since the Ebola epidemic in 2014, surveillance and warning systems are a key area of interest for our Foundation. To that end, we are supporting a major line of development: the implementation of specialized digital systems that enable data to be shared quickly and reliably. In Senegal, we are part of the I-Lab project, which aims to use automated data collection to improve epidemiological monitoring and surveillance.
Secure sample transportation
A critical link in the diagnostic chain, the transportation of potentially pathogenic samples is a regulated activity that must be carried out in strict biosecurity conditions. We work to help health authorities set up secure processes, and offer a range of courses and awareness raising programs. These span the logistical management of samples, handling techniques, safe destruction and storage of samples, as well as prevention and safety for laboratory staff.

Access to diagnostics - Afrique
En cours
The LABOGUI project is designed to strengthen 30 Guinean laboratories and renovate the National School of Health.

Networks - Afrique
En cours
Before RESAOLAB, no other regional program in West Africa had targeted the strengthening of biomedical analysis.

Access to diagnostics - Amériques
The SPHaïtiLAB project aims to support the National Public Health Laboratory and develop a national laboratory policy to improve health in Haiti.